hIOmon Software and Services

Quick Start: Installation

The hIOmon WIOP, hIOmon WIOPF, hIOmon UI AddOn, and the hIOmon REST API are made available in separate software installation packages.  The software installation package will be either a "hIOmonInstall64.exe" file (for the WIOP, WIOPF, or UI AddOn) or a "hIOmonRESTapiInstall64.exe" file (for the REST API).

To access the software installation package, click on the "Download" link within your order form for the associated purchased subscription.

You can display a list of your orders by clicking on the "Orders" link under "My Account" at the bottom of the hIOmon web site pages.  Please note that you will need to log-in to your account in order to access your "My Account" information and links.

You can also use the "Downloadable/Online Services" link within your "My Account" information to download the software installation packages associated with your purchased subscriptions.


Simply run the software installation package, which will invoke the standard Windows Installer that will perform the actual installation of the hIOmon software.  Administrator privileges are required to perform the installation process, which typically takes just a few minutes to complete.

For the WIOP, WIOPF, and UI AddOn, a "hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger" icon is placed upon the desktop and a “Start -> Programs -> hIOmon -> hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger” shortcut is created (both of which are added by the Windows Installer as part of the hIOmon software installation process).

Please note that during this installation process, you will need to:

  • Agree to the hyperI/O LLC "End-User Software License Agreement (EUSLA)"

  • For the WIOP demonstration version, enter the specific "serial number" that you received from hyperI/O LLC for installing the hIOmon software.  This serial number will be shown (highlighted in red) accompanying the download link for the demo version of the hIOmon software.

    UI AddOn: When installed upon a computer that has the hIOmon WIOP or WIOPF software installed, enter the serial number associated with the respective WIOP or WIOPF software.  Otherwise for a "standalone" installation of the UI AddOn (i.e., no WIOP nor WIOPF software also installed), enter the serial number associated with the WIOP or WIOPF software upon the remote computer to which the UI AddOn software is to connect.  The serial number is incorporated within the hIOmon Product ID (e.g., "4900149" in the hIOmon Product ID "29014-325-4900149-48944").

A temporary licensing period is established when the purchased WIOP, WIOPF, or REST API software is installed.  This period is seven (7) days in length; it begins upon the date that the hIOmon software is installed, which must be within the month of purchase.  The associated expiration date is the day following the last day of the temporary licensing period.  The hIOmon software will no longer be operable when the expiration date is reached.

The requisite "hIOmon Activation Key" must be obtained from hyperI/O LLC and then activated during this temporary licensing period (i.e., before the temporary expiration date is reached) in order to enable the full time period purchased by the subscription fee.  See "Subscription Activation" for additional information.

Also note that hIOmon software such as the WIOP, WIOPF, UI AddOn, and REST API are licensed upon a “Use on a Single Computer” basis; consequently, they may be used only on a single physical or virtual computer by a single user at any time.  In all cases where the hIOmon software is installed (either upon a physical or a virtual computer), only one running instance of the hIOmon Manager service component (which is incorporated within the hIOmon software) may be used with a single licensed Serial Number; that is, a single licensed Serial Number may be used to install and run only one instance of the hIOmon Manager service at any time.

See WIOP and WIOPF below for additional specific information about the installation of the respective software package.

See the Installation section of the hIOmon REST API Read Me document for the specific details regarding the installation of the hIOmon REST API software package.

Please note that if the hIOmon UI AddOn is to be used upon the same computer with either the hIOmon WIOP or hIOmon WIOPF, then the hIOmon UI AddOn must be installed after the WIOP or WIOPF has been installed.

Click here for the specific steps required to uninstall the hIOmon software.

Workload I/O Profiler (WIOP)

The screenshot below depicts the "Custom Installation Options" window that is displayed during the installation process for the WIOP software package.  It is highly recommended that you automatically load the hIOmon Manager and hIOmon I/O Monitor software components as part of the hIOmon WIOP software installation process (i.e., leave the first checkbox checked).

You will additionally need to determine which physical devices are to be monitored.

That is, select whether you simply want to collect I/O operation metrics for the operating-system physical disk associated with the system drive (typically the C: Logical Disk); this is the default option (i.e., the "Monitor only the physical disk associated with the System Drive" checkbox is checked by default).  By clearing this checkbox, you can instead explicitly specify one or more Logical Disks whose associated physical disk is to be monitored.

The WIOP automated configuration script (named "hIOmonCfgWIOP") will be run as part of the software installation process in either case.  If this checkbox is checked, then this script will automatically configure the hIOmon software to monitor the physical disk associated with the system drive.  If this checkbox is cleared, then the script will prompt you requesting the letter of the Logical Disk(s) whose associated physical disk is to be monitored.  Note that you can later use the hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger Display configuration Settings "Reconfigure" option to run this script again so as to modify which particular physical devices are to be monitored by the hIOmon software.

NOTE for Workstation/Server Versions Only:  The Windows Installer installation process provides an additional “Custom Installation Option” to enable the Windows Installer to only install the hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger Display software components.  This option can be selected by enabling the “Install hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger only” checkbox.  Note that the other Custom Installation options will be ignored if this checkbox is enabled.

When installed using this “Install hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger only” option, the hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger Display can be used to connect to a remote computer that is running the hIOmon Manager service.  Both WMI and hIOmon REST API connection options are supported.


For a brief overview about how to use the WIOP after it has been installed, see "Getting Started with the hIOmon WIOP".

Workload I/O Profiler for Files (WIOPF)

The screenshot below depicts the "Custom Installation Options" window that is displayed during the installation process for the WIOPF software package.  It is highly recommended that you automatically load the hIOmon Manager and hIOmon I/O Monitor software components as part of the hIOmon WIOPF software installation process (i.e., leave the first checkbox checked).

You will additionally need to select whether the WIOP automated hIOmon software configuration script is to be run as part of the WIOPF software installation process.  The configuration options and actions performed by this script are the same as those provided by the automated configuration script within the WIOP version (as described above).

The hIOmon WIOPF software package includes an additional automated configuration script (named "hIOmonCfgWIOPiot.vbs").  This additional script can be used to configure the hIOmon WIOPF software so that it also collects device I/O operation trace records that are exported to a hIOmon Manager Export File.

To run the WIOP automated configuration script as part of the WIOPF software installation process, check the "Perform automated configuration during installation" checkbox; this is the default option.  If this checkbox is selected (checked), then you can additionally select whether only the System Drive (and its associated operating-system physical device) are to be monitored.

If you clear the "Perform automated configuration during installation" checkbox, then the subsequent option below this checkbox is ignored (i.e., the "Monitor only the System Drive and the associated physical device" checkbox is ignored).

NOTE for Workstation/Server Versions Only:  The Windows Installer installation process provides an additional “Custom Installation Option” to enable the Windows Installer to only install the hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger Display software components.  See the description of this option above for more information.

Note that after the WIOPF software has been installed, you can use the hIOmon Disk I/O Ranger Display configuration Settings "Reconfigure" option to modify which particular devices are to be monitored by the hIOmon software by running the WIOP automated configuration script.

The WIOPF also provides configuration options that enable you to manually add and remove which particular devices are to be monitored (including the ability to specify particular files that are to be monitored).  These WIOPF configuration options are in addition to the WIOP automated configuration script support (i.e., the Settings "Reconfigure" option noted above).

For a brief overview about how to use the WIOPF after it has been installed, see "Getting Started with the hIOmon WIOPF".

Uninstall the hIOmon Software

You can use the “Control Panel” and the “Programs and Features” option (or "Add/Remove Programs" option) to uninstall the hIOmon software, including the WIOP, WIOPF, UI AddOn, and REST API software packages.

Please note that if the hIOmon UI AddOn has been installed upon the same computer with either the hIOmon WIOP or hIOmon WIOPF, then the hIOmon UI AddOn must be uninstalled before the WIOP or WIOPF is uninstalled.

After you have uninstalled the hIOmon WIOP or WIOPF software:

  1. Completely delete the directory where you had installed the hIOmon software (e.g., the "C:\Program Files\hyperIO" folder)

  2. Please be sure to also delete the “hyperIO” folder that might be located within the “ProgramData” folder along with any hIOmon folder that might be located within the VirtualStore folder.

In addition for the latest version of Windows 10, various hIOmon registry entries and hIOmon files can remain present despite the successful uninstall of the hIOmon software package by the Windows Installer.  A hIOmon PowerShell script can be used to remove these hIOmon registry entries and files.  See the hIOmon WIOP/WIOPF ReadMe document for additional information.